Monday, July 27, 2009

When We Left Earth (11): Moon Shot (Essential)

Alan Shepard, Deke Slayton, Jay Barbree, Howard Benedict and Neil Armstrong (introduction); Moon Shot: The Inside Story of America's Race to the Moon (TurnerPublishing, Inc.; 1994; ISBN 1-878685-54-6; cover from a NASA photograph).

During the last big anniversary, two key books came out on the Apollo missions and started a new cottage industry (which I've been covering in these posts!). This was one of them, a relatively brief history of the program, written by two of the participants and two of the people who covered the program (with an introduction by a person that had pretty much receded from public view until then). Whereas these two books emphasized the science of the Apollo missions, this book, written by two intimates, emphasizes the "test pilot" side of the missions. An essential book.

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